Native Plants for Encinitas (NP4E) is a group of professionals dedicated to public education and advocacy for restoring and preserving Southern California’s native plants and the ecosystems they support, with a special focus on both public and priviate spaces within urban settings. is the website of the Native Plants for Encinitas group.
The purpose of the site is to provide public access to the organization's curated list of California native plants and a FAQ covering various associated California native plant topics.
Native Plants for Encinitas (NP4E) is a group of professionals dedicated to public education and advocacy for restoring and preserving Southern California’s native plants and the ecosystems they support, with a special focus on both public and priviate spaces within urban settings.
Encinitas is a small city in coastal southern California. is the website of the Native Plants for Encinitas group.
The purpose of the site is to provide public access to the organization's curated list of California native plants and a FAQ covering various associated California native plant topics.
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